Joe Krier says of Toll Party: "anti-road, anti-growth, and anti-commuter activists working to misinform, mislead and scare people"

Sorry, Mr. Krier, it’s the other way around.

Here’s who he says they represent: “Texans for Safe Reliable Transportation aims to build a broad-based coalition of Texas commuters, civic leaders and businesses – those in the transportation sector and those who rely on a world-class transportation infrastructure to get their product to market and their employees to work.”
Who’s using hyperbole?
“Much of the recent transportation debate has been dominated by anti-road, anti-growth, and anti-commuter activists working to misinform, mislead and scare people,” said TSRT Chairman Joe Krier. “Texans for Safe Reliable Transportation aims to bring greater reason and rationality to the debate, and highlight the disaster response, job creation, and quality of life benefits of better transportation.”

“In the wake of hurricanes Katrina and Rita, Texans need to know that better roads and highways – including toll roads – really can mean the difference between life and death. Better roads and rail also mean better Texas jobs and less traffic gridlock.”

TSRT is raising funds to build a pro-transportation coalition and conduct grassroots and paid media efforts. The group’s board of directors includes Joe Krier, the president of the Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce, Lawrence Olsen of the Texas Good Roads Association, and Donna Williams, vice president of Parsons Infrastructure & Technology Inc.”


There you have it, when citizens redress their government for grievances, when citizens band together to stop DOUBLE TAXATION, highway robbery, and the giving of our public infrastructure to foreign companies in 50 year monopolies, we’re hysterical, irrational, and misleading. Rather, we’re EDUCATING and INFORMING the public with the TRUTH!