WND: Feds threaten Texas over private toll moratorium bill

Link to World Net Daily article here.

We reported these heavy-handed tactics here Wednesday. Note what this James Ray at the Federal Highway Administration believes and says about aggressively pursuing private money and private deals for our U.S. highways here. Link to the letter the feds sent here.

Feds threaten Texas over superhighway funds plan
Transportation Department opposes bills delaying NAFTA project
By Jerome R. Corsi
April 27, 2007

The Federal Highway Administration has threatened Texas with the loss of federal highway funds if the state continues with its legislative plan for a two-year funding moratorium on construction of the Trans-Texas Corridor.

In the 4-page letter, FHWA Chief Counsel James D. Ray advises Michael Behrens, executive director of the Texas Department of Transportation, some of the pending legislative proposals, if signed into law, “could affect the State’s eligibility for receiving Federal-aid highway funds.”

Ray praises Texas for being “the nation’s leader in developing new transportation facilities through public private partnerships.”

(Story continues below)