Foreign bidders have horrific track record

These public private partnerships are met with the same disdain by our friends overseas in Australia as well. Cintra has a similar reputation for the Ontario Toll Project in Canada.

Note this article that tells how stockbrokers have downgraded Macquarie’s rating due the controversy and uncertainty of public disdain for toll roads managed by public private partnerships.
Read the article in the Australian.

Did you read that? CONTROVERSY means private banks may choose NOT to sell bonds and finance toll roads! They’re a risky proposition for investors. That’s GREAT news for taxpayers! Let’s continue to stir up controversy…it’s one of our paths to stopping this highway robbery!

Write AND call the Governor (800) 252-9600 (web mail) and your State Representative to DEMAND this be STOPPED!

Go here to find your state representatives.

If you live in the 281/1604 corridor, your State Reps are likely Rep. Frank Corte STREP123@aol.comor (210) 349-0320 or Joe Straus at joe.straus@house.state.tx.usor (210) 828-4411.

Give some fresh calls to your legislators and the Governor and tell them what you think about these companies having exclusive control of our highways (even the roads surrounding the toll lanes) WITH NO OVERSIGHT BY ANY ELECTED OFFICIAL!