Link to article here. The most telling finding in this poll on taxes and govt. spending:
“In Mr. Winston’s survey, 75% of respondents agreed that, ‘Taxes should not be increased as long as Congress continues to waste the tax money it already receives.’ Only 23% did not.”
ON THE HILL: GOP Tax Dilemma
After years of waste in Congress, voters aren’t buying the party’s fiscal message.
By Stephen Moore – WSJ
Published: 10-09-07

Well, that’s not exactly true.
Perhaps the most encouraging poll finding is that Americans fully understand the link between a strong economy and deficits. In 2006 federal revenues increased by a world record $250 billion, because of surging employment, corporate profits, and stock values. No Hillary Clinton tax hike could have possibly raised that kind of money.
The Republicans like Wentworth and even Kay Bailey Hutchison were elected without a great vision. They spouted what they had been determined to be popular phrases not understanding the overall vision.
What do we have as a result…ear mark mania and then Wentworth is trying to occupy both side of the toll road debate at the same time.
Then we have people like Bonilla who lost their compass in DC. Bonilla started out as a part of revolution but got power drunk….Henry BOnilla has a parking garage named after him at Incarnate Word built with our federal GAS TAX dollars.
What began with the lousy goverment teacher who rose to state rep status in New Braunfels needs to continue. Carter Casteel was a goverment teacher who insisted goverment was the solution to problems.
The goverment (this may shock Wentworth and Perry) is not a way to extort money from private individuals and give it to other individuals who give them campaign contributions.
Goverment exists for two roles (defense/law enforcement, coupled basic infrastructure) the idea of turning roads into tax providing entities is hardly a conservative principal. I would hardly call Wentworth a man of principal other then his own bank accounts!