The City Council is scheduled to take-up appointing an “alternate” EX-city councilmember to replace ELECTED city councilmembers on the MPO Transportation Policy Board. Richard Perez staged a coup at the last MPO meeting to allow this brazen violation to appear as though it’s legitimately part of MPO policies. This item appears on the city council agenda as if appointing an UN-elected “alternate” is “in accordance with MPO policies.” That policy is a farce and it was done by Perez’ at his last meeting as Chair. He presided over the vote (rather than recuse himself) that will essentially allow him to be re-appointed to this vital board even though HE WILL NO LONGER BE IN OFFICE! It will be challenged in court because IT’S ILLEGAL! The federal law that sets up the MPO only allows for local ELECTED officials to sit on the MPO Board.
It’s widely known that Perez was the impetus behind a request sent in a May 18 letter) to MPO Board members from Mayor Phil Hardberger that asked the MPO to circumvent federal law by appointing “alternate board members” who can stand in for “missing” councilmembers. Only elected officials and representatives that administer or operate major modes of transportation (like TxDOT/Via) may serve on the Board (see 23 U.S.C.A. § 134, Title 23. Highways Chapter 1. Federal-Aid Highways
§ 134. Metropolitan transportation planning).
This prevents the NEWLY ELECTED COUNCILMEMBERS from deciding KEY future transportation policies and whether or not they think it’s appropriate to have an UN-elected alternate with FULL VOTING POWERS to sit in on these meetings.
Under item #65 –
Boards, Commissions and Committee Appointments
65. Consideration of board, commission and committee appointments: [Leticia M. Vacek, City Clerk]
M. An Ordinance appointing members of the City Council to the Metropolitan Planning Organization Transportation Policy Board and approving the appointment of an alternate for one member in accordance with the Policies of the MPO.
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