Hutchison's official stance on toll roads…yet did endorse toller Casteel

Direct from her office is this statement:

The Senator does not support widespread tolling because it is contrary to Texas’ tradition of free, clear and well-maintained roads and because it imposes another tax on those whose taxes have already generated the revenue for highway construction. She believes that decisions to construct new toll roads should be made at the local level, after approval from voters. She strongly believes Texas should not impose tolls on existing freeways. In fact, when the federal highway authorization bill was debated last year, the Senate agreed to an amendment written by the Senator that prohibited Texas and other states from converting interstate highways to toll roads; however, the prohibition was not included in the final version of the bill.

Doesn’t make sense that she’d endorse a toller, Carter Casteel, given her strong statement against tolls. Does it?

Contact her office here:

San Antonio office: 210-340-2885
Austin office: 512-916-5834
Washington DC 202-224-5922

Here’s another statement made by the Senator which is also on our blog.