Indiana drivers upset with foreign toll operators

Link to article here. See what we have to look forward to? Cintra won the development rights to TTC-35 project and now has control of SH 130, the first segment of the Trans Texas Corridor TTC-35 project. It’s also one of two bidders on TTC-69. Let’s not forget that the toll rates doubled this year. That’s why the foreign toll operators could “invest” $46 million in improvements. It’s a cash cow!

Drivers complain about virtually all aspects of Indiana Toll Road
Landline Magazine
June 24, 2008

In Indiana, several state offices are being bombarded with complaints from drivers about the Indiana Toll Road, which is operated by two foreign companies.

According to The Associated Press, drivers complained about time-consuming backups at toll gates, dirty restrooms at travel plazas, and inflated fuel prices. Some people also complained about the toll road’s mascot – the “I-Zoom Girl” – saying she is a little too curvaceous and that the campaign using her portrays Hoosiers as hillbillies.

The toll road operators – Cintra of Spain and Macquarie of Australia – have since addressed some of the problems. The companies stated that they’ve spent $46 million on electronic tolling and a new fleet of snowplows.