Letter to Kinky from one of our supporters

To:  Mr. Kinky Friedman

With regard to your application to me for the position of Governor of the state of Texas, I must sadly decline your application for employment.  When I find myself in the position of turning down an applicant, I feel it a kind and friendly gesture to give that person a little advice and information as to why I choose not to hire him.

Such information follows:

First, we had an appointment at 11888 Starcrest on Wednesday at 11:30 AM as per the news media.  I arrived at this time in an effort to speak with you and you were late.  You did not arrive until approximately 11:50 AM and kept me and several hundred other perspective employers waiting.  I am busy and my time is valuable.  As someone you are seeking employment opportunities from, I do not think it is wise to “keep the boss waiting”.  In addition I did not receive any call or notice from your subordinates that your were running late.  Once you did arrive, you did not seem to be in a hurry nor did you express and concern about being late.

Be that as it may, let me move on to the next subject.

I was there waiting for you and you did not talk to me.  While you did speak, you spoke at me and did not take questions and concerns from the 200 or so perspective employers.  As a perspective employer, you did not express any concern to have a dialogue.  I had questions for you which were relevant for the other perspective employers to hear also.

You also made a tremendous mistake.  You spoke about a supposed 8 billion surplus which the state of Texas has which you felt should be given back to the tax payers.  That’s all very well and nice to say but your number was slightly off.  The actual number for the amount of the surplus is in excess of 600 billion dollars.  If you wish to apply for the position of representing me and my fellow Texans I expect you to know the relevant information and not to make such monumental mistakes as this.  Perhaps you are not aware of this surplus.  If not.. I suggest you visit the state comptrollers office and obtain a free copy of the Texas Comprehensive Annual Financial Report and you will be able to see where this 600 billion is to be found.  Perhaps MS. Strayhorn can help you!  If you have difficulties locating this information it will be helpful for you to start with a 1997 and 1998 copy of the report in that the format was changed after these dates.

Next you did not address the issue of the 8,000 miles of public roads that Rick Perry is attempting to give to Spain for a Texas profit of approximately 2 billion and a profit to Spain of approximately 150 billion.  Such an issue is relevant in your campaign, isn’t it?  It is certainly relevant to me.  And of course, once you discover the aforementioned 600 billion surplus, you then have to ask what the reason is for us giving our public property to a foreign government when we have the financial ability to build any number of new roads any where in Texas?  Kinda makes you wonder doesn’t it?

There is also the issue of Federal encroachment of my Constitutional rights which you did not address.

There is also the issue of the loss of our sovereignty being implemented every day by the Federal Government.

And lastly, I sincerely hope you understand that the governor of any state (especially Texas) has the complete legal authority to prohibit any kind of Federal encroachment (or federal employee) in the state as per the 9th and 10th amendments.  I am sure you understand that numerous Supreme Court rulings have confirmed this statement

I can go on and on but I feel as though you probably get the picture.

If you expect me or any other Texans to employ you in the capacity of Governor / Public Servant, you need to have a little more in depth and informed conversation with me.

Best wishes in your campaign,
Ted Baker
The Public & A Texan