Stalwart toll opponent Rep. Nathan Macias comes under attack in PUSH POLL

In a PUSH POLL trying to spread lies about one of our HEROES, State representative Nathan Macias, opponent Doug Miller a hand-picked puppet of toller and former Rep. Carter Casteel, tries to cast doubt on Macias’ solid anti-toll voting record. The poll questions show Miller’s ties to Casteel since it asks people’s opinions of Carter Casteel who doesn’t hold a public office and who ISN’T EVEN RUNNING FOR OFFICE! Seems pretty clear she plans to soon…

The survey conducted on or about October 19, 2007, included some of these questions (paraphrased):

What is your opinion of Carter Casteel?
What is your opinion of Doug Miller?
What is your opinion of Tom Craddick?
According to TX Monthly, Rep. Macias was ineffective as a legislator, passing only 25% of his bills…
Does it affect your opinion of Doug Miller to know that he has owned a business in the district for over 30 years?

An additional note: The survey attempts to cast doubt on Rep. Macias’ ardent stand against toll roads, bringing up his vote against SB 792, as one of 19 legislators to vote against. PRECISELY! We asked our reps to KILL SB 792 since it was the Governor’s bill, didn’t stop any toll projects, and UNLEASHED market value tolls where the government will now make a profit on the toll roads instead of keeping the tolls as low as possible. Now they look at the roads thinking why should we charge 10 cents a mile when we can make 20 cents?

Also of note, Texas Monthly took a jab at another one of our Legislative heroes, Rep. Joe Farias calling he and Macias ineffective. Not so, Rep. Nathan Macias was awarded Freshman of the Year by his fellow legislators. That’s hardly ineffective! In fact, both Farias and Macias took MAJOR heat for standing up against tolls. Farias was personally threatened by a road lobbyist for trying to keep 1604 from being controlled by a foreign company, and Macias had one of his bills VETOED by the Governor as retribution for his stand against Perry’s toll roads and the Trans Texas Corridor.

One Reply to “Stalwart toll opponent Rep. Nathan Macias comes under attack in PUSH POLL”

  1. Esteban Erik Stipnieks

    The fact that Carter Casteel started out as an educator is a great critique of professional public education. One her biggest supporters and NBISD Dr. Anita Stipnieks (mi madre or more my bother) called a her a good goverment teacher because she believes in heavy goverment intereference to save people from themselves. The belief in big goverment made her a GOOD goverment teacher in the eyes of her supporters (SHe is a Republican)

    I attendended Winston School San ANtonio for 2 years.

    Dr. Anita Stipnieks opposes school vouchers.

    Now you know the ethics and core values of Casteel and her crowd.

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