URGENT! Precinct Conventions: get resolution against tolls in your Party's platform March 7!

In Party politics, there is something called “precinct conventions” held in even numbered years to determine each Party’s platform. We have the unique opportunity to shape each Party’s platform to include a resolution against tolling existing freeways and rights of way and a prohibition against handing over publicly-owned, tax-funded freeways to private companies for private gain.

Download these PDFs of sample resolutions to bring to your precinct convention!

Bring a copy with you to your precinct convention (basically your polling place). The conventions begin as soon as the polls close on election day (or whenever your Party says). Even if you’ve NEVER attended one of these, you can participate and help turn the tide on this important issue that stands to tax us off our own publicly-funded FREEways!

Party Precinct Convention information:

NOTE: There are other parties as well. This list isn’t meant to be exhaustive. A simple search for your Party’s precinct convention information should direct you.