Why the grassroots are ready to run politicians out on a rail…

The House Minority Leader John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) said this today…

“The American people believe Washington is broken. Middle class families see the cost of living rising. They see more and more of their hard earned dollars being eaten up by college costs, health care costs, housing costs, food costs.”

“With all this happening in their daily lives, they’re watching the news — and they see politicians in Washington WASTING their money. While families are struggling to make ends meet, they look up and see politicians using taxpayer money to build monuments to themselves … funding hippie museums … letting entitlement spending spiral out of control. ”

The price of gasoline and threat of toll roads all over Texas (and the country) are part of what’s leading to a cumulative restlessness among the grassroots to throw the bums out. Let’s do it March 4 and then again in November.