Toll Party Letters to the Editor on Krier's Op/Ed

Regretfully, Mr. Krier’s attempts to suggest that toll roads are the smart solution in his 9 February commentary using several myths. Time & space does not permit addressing every myth, but let me attempt to expose just a few.

He suggests that toll roads are a method for accelerating the timetable for creation of new roads. In what manner? TXDOT has admitted on several occasions that the original funds for the “non-toll” project exist. If TXDOT had merely stuck by its original 2001 schedule, the original “non-toll” project would already be completed. What is really galling is that we learn (from a recent Express-News article) that TXDOT intended to use those very millions in funds to start the initial toll-road construction on Hwy 281 !

He suggests that toll roads will ease congestion. For toll roads to work, drivers must see that they (toll roads) have little or no congestion. That implies that the “free-alternative-lanes” will be heavily congested. What kind of a solution is that? And what about the added costs to those drivers who must spend the extra time in congested “free-lanes”?

The most ridiculous myth is that our current method of building roads (via gasoline taxes) is “punitive”. If one merely calculated the cost to the drivers of this city for toll roads vs. gasoline taxes, I believe one would disagree. A typical driver who drives 20,000 miles a year pays $380 a year in federal/state gasoline taxes at the pump. Contrast that with a recent TXDOT sponsored survey that would charge up to $5.90 EACH way for ONE trip on Loop 1604. That works out to $3068 per year for JUST a work commute. AND Mr. Krier should certainly understand that in our current system, we ONLY pay for a new road ONCE. By contrast, toll-roads (once paid for) NEVER become “free” again – (just ask the citizens who reside in the northeast of this country how many decades they’ve been paying for their toll roads.)

Unfortunately, Mr. Krier, the citizens of this community are becoming educated on the issue of toll roads and hence you hear the outcry against toll roads. As chairman of the SA Mobility coalition (and CEO of Chamber of Commerce), I am disappointed that you attempt to ignore the facts when it comes to the issue of toll roads.

Dave Ramos

Krier parrots TxDOT's mantra: it's tolls or no roads

Joe Krier, in his article that appeared February 9 in the Express-News(read it here), attempts to make the case yet again for tolling freeways we’ve already paid for. Here’s some points that seem lost on toll proponents. We have a built-in system to help fund population growth: more residents means more taxpayers. We already have a user tax for roads. It’s called the gas tax. The more you use the more you pay. Also, every time we fill up our gas tanks, we’re continuing to fill up the Department of Transportation’s (TxDOT’s) budget. Much of the growth Mr. Krier refers to can and needs to be reigned in by our weak-kneed politicians at the City and County.

It’s absurd for him to assert toll lanes on 281 will relieve congestion. Tolls roads don’t relieve congestion, they are a tool to manipulate congestion for profit. The needed improvements to 281 have been in the works for 6 years, are paid for, and should be completed by now, so it’s patently FALSE for Mr. Krier to assert that adding express toll lanes to US 281 will speed up congestion relief. In fact, the toll project has delayed congestion relief in favor of taking private land against the landowner’s will through eminent domain in order to hand it over to foreign toll operators for private gain. These public-private partnerships called CDAs are being kept SECRET from the public and will last up to 50 years with no cap on how high the toll rates will go and with no oversight by ANY elected official!

Toll roads will not reduce emissions, but make the problems motorists are already experiencing, permanent. The only non-toll lanes will be downgraded to slower frontage lanes with stop lights. There would be NO non-toll expressway option as users have today. Therefore, rather than install the no-toll ORIGINAL funded plan on 281 that would relieve congestion and make traffic flow smoothly for ALL motorists, Mr. Krier, SAMCO, the Greater Chamber and our politicians (through TxDOT) would rather force us to pay a toll (a whole new permanent driver’s tax) for a freeway that’s already paid for WITHOUT a vote of the people.

Terri Hall
San Antonio Toll Party

Strayhorn takes on Perry's mischaracterization of state's coffers; she announces $4.3 billion in surplus

Guess what a HUGE multi-BILLION dollar surplus means? We’re being overtaxed in spite of all the wasteful spending in Austin! It also means we don’t need to raise taxes for school reform! More good news…we don’t need to pay Perry’s lifetime toll tax on FREEways either!

Strayhorn takes on Perry’s mischaracterization of state’s coffers

Munoz at RMA: "There's money everywhere!"

Ready for some more fodder to get your blood boiling?

Try this….Henry Munoz, I believe he’s Commissioner Chico Rodriguez’ appointee, stated this while trying to get a handle on where and how to fund these toll projects even with the private money (since NONE of the plans pay to build the toll lanes, tolls only cover operation and maintenance…and profit!): “There’s money everywhere (meaning federal sources, state sources, etc.), it’s just a matter of finding it and applying it to the right project.” Of course, this money only drops out of the sky to build toll roads, not free roads! See the shell game going on here? Then, the presenter from Estrada Hinojosa said this choice quote: “Design it to maximize the amount of traffic taking the toll road.” He repeated several times that the purpose of these toll projects is to maximize revenue. Thank you, Mr. Gonzales, for so blatantly confirming what we’ve known all along! There really isn’t a true non-toll option; there’s just economic misery and more misery for options!

Executive Director Terry Brechtel and Chair Bill Thornton also stated repeatedly that the Alamo RMA is quickly running out of loan money and that they’ll need more, lots more for what they have to do in order to start getting their own revenue. How you may ask? Tolls, of course. This agency spends its LOANED taxpayer money like it grows on trees without ANY revenue stream of its own. That’s the trouble with bureaucracies, they keep getting fed! When Bob Thompson, Commissioner Larson’s appointee, tried to call them on spending $1,000 a month on legal fees for a lawyer (the one who redefined “existing road”…that earned his keep alright!) who has done next to NOTHING for the last year, Brechtel’s answer: “We’ll be needing to spend a lot more in coming months.”

So much for CDAs (public private partnerships…ie- the secret deals) speeding up highway projects. The review of the CDA proposals take one year, then the next step (request for detailed proposals) takes another year, then the notice to proceed with the project after that! So on 281, the earliest they’d let a contract is 2008! Just more proof that these secret toll deals aren’t about accelerating projects or congestion relief (that’s the PR angle to “sell” them), they’re about REVENUE GENERATION and a whole new DRIVER’S TAX to benefit foreign toll operators!

Then as diplomatically as he could, Chair Bill Thornton stated the Wurzbach Parkway project that has had the funding, design, and even environmental clearance 10-15 years ago, has to now be re-done due to design “flaws.” The original design was apparently so driver “unfriendly,” they’re insisting upon a re-design. The new design requires purchase of yet MORE right of way and more delays…apparently 30 years hasn’t been long enough to get that road finished!

HNTB, the engineering firm who was just awarded the $6.5 million for preliminary engineering for 3 toll projects (I-35, Wurzbach, Bandera Rd.), gave a presentation on NEPA, the National Environmental Policy Act, that was the law TxDOT violated on the 281 project. Board members heard two key words and latched on…the social and human impact of these projects. To the public, that means the social and human impact of economic hardship and double taxation to drive on existing highways like emotional stress of sitting on permenantly congested free lanes, the time TxDOT and the City are already stealing from us through traffic signal manipulation and project delays to turn it into a toll road instead of putting in less invasive and quicker overpasses, the noise, the increased pollution, damage to property values, unequal access to roads we’ve all paid for, damage to the aquifer, etc.

BUT to Christina Rodriguez (appointed by Judge Wolff) it meant the opposite. To her it was an excuse to say once again, “It’s tolls or sit in traffic and risk heart attacks!” (I’m not making this up!). Oh my, how shrill! She went on a rant about the human and social impacts of doing nothing vs. the silver bullet of tolls. She apparently fails to remember every RMA meeting we’ve attended since last summer when we’ve vocally reminded the Board DOING NOTHING is NOT an option; we expect them to implement the ORIGINAL, ALREADY FUNDED plan for overpasses at the lights on 281 and keep our FREEway FREE! So expect to hear Thornton and others tout the equivalent of this: “if we don’t toll that road, people are going to die from heart attacks sitting in the current congestion!” NEVER MIND WE’RE ONLY SITTING IN CONGESTION BECAUSE TXDOT DELAYED THE PROJECT TO TURN IT INTO A TOLL ROAD AND HAND IT OVER TO CINTRA-ZACHRY! The absurdity is astounding…do they honestly expect any THINKING person to buy into this twisted logic?

What a difference a month makes! Last meeting we sat here and continued to hear how the 281 toll road was a done deal and now the toll road that couldn’t be stopped has been halted! Mr. Thornton is fond of quoting the RMA’s push poll financed with tax money saying 67% of Stone Oak wants a toll road, acting like it’s a genuine reflection of the people of Bexar County. Well, scientific or not, the San Antonio Business Journal saw fit to publish an article about the OVERWHELMING opposition to private toll road plans for Bexar County Monday, it was 74% against and only 20% in favor. Even your push poll, when you actually interpret a particular question correctly also showed 27% wanted toll lanes and 74% didn’t.

So why are you still sitting here pursuing multibillion projects that are enormously unpopular, that will likely change the leadership in Austin, and could easily fail altogether? If travel and growth projections are incorrect, as they were on the Camino Columbia Toll Road in Laredo, who will bail them out? The taxpayers. As we witnessed at the last meeting, you are tasked with being a mini-TxDOT and were essentially created to sell bonds. The Legislature didn’t fund you and now you’re allocating loaned toll equity grants to HNTB to the tune of $6.5 million dollars with no way to pay it back without charging us tolls. And this was while there has been a steadily rising drumbeat of public opposition with legitimate questions surrounding the financing of this entity and these toll projects, yet you press on, shall I venture to say, foolishly.

Let me re-cap what’s gone on in just the last month:
TxDOT, who Mr. Thornton calls your “natural partner,” has broken the law on the 281 project, has demonstrated total ineptitude on the first toll project as well as fiscal mismanagement that some would say is tantamount to fraud. You’re negotiating toll formulas with two foreign companies in SECRET for freeways we’ve already paid for. TxDOT holds a CDA Workshop putting over 1,000 people in the highway lobby on notice that private Texas land taken through eminent domain is up for sale for private gain. Then just yesterday, TxDOT wrapped up their bond buyers party in Austin promoting CDAs for which there are only preliminary guidelines as to their use.

Frank Holzman at TxDOT tells a group of citizens at Encino Park ON CAMERA that what I drive on today will be tolled, while Joe Krier of SAMCO gets on KTSA radio and states the complete opposite proclaiming what I drive on today will NOT be tolled. The City of San Antonio has admitted they’ve tweaked the timing of the stop lights on 281 to steal motorists valuable time to perhaps make them cry “Uncle” in hopes of getting us to beg for a toll road. Christina De La Cruz said TxDOT gave the City new traffic counts for 281 while Tom Wendorf states in a letter to Commissioner Larson that traffic has essentially stayed the same, then the City goes out of its way to deny it touched the lights at all, and we’re supposed to believe you’re acting in the public’s best interest? It’d be a JOKE if it weren’t so absolutely serious. What’s happening is deception, lies, half truths, and highway robbery, and it’s nothing short of criminal!

You may sit there and proclaim you share our concerns and act like we have every reason to trust you with our best interests, but the PUBLIC isn’t buying it; its’ a disgrace and this fraud is going to stop. Our grassroots citizens are building a coalition that will see to it!

NOTE: TXDOT PUBLIC MEETINGS ASKING FOR ALTERNATIVES ON 281 SET FOR MARCH! (We’ll post dates as soon as we know them).

Biz Journal Poll: Thumbs down for Perry's tolls!

Your input made the difference! What started as 46% FOR and 42% against ended up 74% AGAINST and only 20% FOR San Antonio’s proposed toll nightmare. Go back to the drawing board, Perry, TxDOT, Thornton, Crier, Wolff and all the rest. We’ve rejected your DOUBLE TAX, your secret deals and the taking of private land through eminent domain and handing it over to foreign toll operators like Cintra-Zachry. We don’t want your toll proliferation in South Texas!

See article here.

Open Records and web sites for government agencies need fixin'

Hadassah Schloss
Cost Rules Administrator
Co-Chair Open Records Steering Committee
Open Records Division
Office of Attorney General
P.O. Box 12548
Austin, TX 78711

February 6, 2006

Ms. Schloss:

Per a phone conversation regarding an Open Records request to the Department of Transportation last fall, you suggested I address a letter to the AG’s Open Records Steering Committee regarding Open Records suggestions to make to the Legislature. As an ordinary citizen leading a grassroots effort against tolling existing freeways, I have made many public information requests. While I understand these requests are time consuming and do cost various departments money to compile and copy public records, the public cannot have its right to free and open government hampered by personal economic constraints.

Pursuant to Texas Government Code 552.267, citizens can request to have charges waived when providing the information benefits the general public. TxDOT declined to waive the charges, and, as I understand it, the only entity I can appeal to is TxDOT! We would ask that you consider making recommendations to the Legislature to amend the Open Records law to allow for an unbiased third party to consider any appeals regarding the costs of providing information to the public.

As an example of the extent to which TxDOT went to try to impede our access to public records, they attempted to charge me the full copy cost of $467 in order to simply VIEW the documents. Certainly there can be a more economically equitable way to treat citizens who have every right to access and obtain PUBLIC information for the government they fund.

One more suggestion, the Open Meetings and Open Records laws desperately NEED to be extended to government web sites. The internet allows citizens greater and real time access to their government and I’ve found Regional Mobility Authorities, MPOs, and TxDOT particularly lagging in posting important information on their web sites, like posting meeting minutes within a week, posting ALL upcoming public meetings/hearings (for TxDOT projects) including toll projects, and listing CURRENT email contact information to key decision makers at these agencies. Government can become vastly more efficient and save scads of time, paper, and money by simply posting public information on their web sites. Unfortunately, TxDOT, the RMAs, and MPOs have been attempting to broker secret concession agreements without public input and without public accountability under the radar screen. The public outrage over their actions puts them at odds with lawful, open, and transparent government. This is unacceptable and needs to be rectified immediately.

Thank you for your consideration. Please keep me apprised as to your Committee’s suggestions for Open Records and Open Meetings reform at the contact information below.


Terri Hall
Regional Director
San Antonio Toll Party
18160 US Hwy 281 N, Suite 108-251
San Antonio, Texas 78232
(210) 275-0640

Casteel LIES about her vote to toll at candidate forum in New Braunfels

Carter Casteel is clearly on the run. Tonight at a candidate forum on her home turf, in New Braunfels, she was on defense! However, she made another HUGE mistake. She lied on the record and a radio reporter caught it on tape! She actually has the audacity to claim she didn’t vote to toll existing freeways in HB 2702 when anyone who reads the law can see she clearly did (See our Toll Glossary: scroll down to text of HB 2702 and read how the legislature granted the Transportation Commission the power to convert an existing highway into a tollway “if they determine it improves mobility in the region.”).

Next up, a Candidate Forum at GVTC in Spring Branch on MY turf!

Meet the 2006 GOP Primary Candidates for Comal County

February 15, 2006

GVTC Auditorium


Forum & Complimentary Supper

Sponsored by the Republican Clubs of Comal County

Senator Madla jumps on board asking for alternatives to tolls on 281

View event images
ANOTHER VICTORY! One by one courageous leaders are demonstrating their distaste for dealing with the public outrage on this issue and are asking for alternatives to TxDOT’s toll-only mentality.

Read Pat Driscoll’s blog on it.

The official letter signed by State Senator Frank Madla, District 19, sent to TxDOT on behalf of concerned citizens is linked to the right!